Getting started

The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you to train by following this great documentation for beginners.

Create your project

Hugo provides a new command to create a new website.

hugo new site <new_project>

Install the theme

Install the Hugo-theme-learn theme by following this documentation

The theme’s repository is:

Basic configuration

When building the website, you can set a theme by using --theme option. We suggest you to edit your configuration file and set the theme by default. Example with config.toml format.

theme = "hugo-theme-learn"

Create your first chapter page

Hugo-theme-learn provides archetypes to create skeletons for your website. Begin by creating your first chapter page with the following command

# files are considered as chapters
hugo new --kind chapter basics/

Create your first content pages

Then, create content pages inside the previous chapter. Here are two ways to create content in the chapter :

hugo new basics/
hugo new basics/second-content/

Enable search functionality

As the index generation is not yet supported by Hugo (PR #1853), we decided to use lunr index. As soon as the generation of the index will be supported by hugo, we will use the official format.

So to use the search functionality, you just have to put a lunr index which respects this format :

        "uri": "/docs/01-start/index",
        "title": "Get started",
        "content": "\n\nGet started\n\nAll you need to know...\n",
        "tags": ["start", "intro"]

into a static/json/search.json file in your hugo project.

And set search = true in your config.toml

To generate your lunr index, you can see this project which parse your markdown files and extract toml and yaml headers to create index with corresponding format.

In order to generate the index of your static site launch the following comand after installing lunr-hugo using npm

    lunr-hugo -i "<content directory>/**/*.md" -o static/json/search.json -l <header format (yaml or toml)>

Launching the website

Launch the following command

hugo serve

Go to http://localhost:1313/basics

If you are curious, at the home page (http://localhost:1313/), you should see an empty homepage. It’s because this theme does not really provide a default homepage.

You typically have 2 choices :

  1. Create an overview homepage for your project. Write an index.html file in layouts/ folder.
  2. Create a redirection to one your documentation page. Either by:
    1. Configuring your server to automatically redirect homepage to one your documentation page - Recommended
    2. Creating an empty html page with the following code in the head tag :
  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="/>